Tag Archives: left out

Friend Me

Friend me

Follow me

Like me

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, are just some ways we are actively connecting with the whole world and sharing what we are doing, watching and interested in. For all these connections it still begs the question – How close are we?

We share what we like and what we are doing but it’s all very superficial and general. There’s no real closeness. At the same time we want to be “liked” and “followed”. It feeds our ego and lifts our self-esteem.

But how close are we with the people that follow or like us!? Does it even matter how close we are with our social media “friends”?

Jesus tells us that there is a day coming when many will approach Him expecting acceptance and be rejected. They will argue that they told people about Jesus and even performed miracles in His name. He will still reject them. But why? let’s look at it closer.

Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Matthew  7:22-24 NKJV

“I never knew you” Those are the words that Jesus said many (yes many) will hear Him say to them even though they professed knowing Him. So it’s obvious that just following Jesus isn’t enough to be known by Him. But what did they lack? What was missing to cause Jesus to reject them? Obviously they “liked” Jesus and they “followed” Him maybe by reading the Bible and they even used His name to perform miracles such as casting out demons, so what was missing?

Intimacy! No, not romantic intimacy but true heartfelt interaction. Daily honest conversations. Sincere worship and adoration. Expressions of gratitude for the daily blessings received. When we get a phone call from a family member or close friend we recognize their voice and we know what their day to day life consists of. There’s no need for them to identify themselves or fill us in on their past history – we know them. This is what those many people Jesus speaks of lack. This is the superficiality that social media promotes.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”   John 4:23-24 NKJV

….”in spirit and in truth” The Greek word there for truth is aletheia which means truth, truly, true and comes from the Greek word alethes which means true as in not concealed or hidden.

Today we would say “be open” or “honest” but it gets the same point across.

Jesus will reject those who profess to know Him. Those who use His name to gain glory for themselves even while performing miracles in His name. He will reject them because they have not been honest and open with Him. They have not established a relationship that is built on intimacy.

Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord,

I hope you are not one of the many! All it takes to not be one of the many is to be honest, open and talk with Him. Let Him get to know you. He stands at the door and knocks. Let Him in or be left out!!


Be Blessed A&B