Tag Archives: money

Good Morning

Good morning!

Today is Tuesday. Just another day during this new normal called the covid-19 shut down. I can look out my window and see the sun shining on the flowers in the yard. A breeze blows the branches on the trees and the flag waves in the sunlight. For all intents and purposes it is a good morning.

But that is the problem with superficialities. Things don’t always appear as they are. A duck floats along on a pond looking calm and at peace but below the surface its feet are franticly paddling! Likewise, outside my window the sun shines, birds sing, flowers grow and all appears to be well on my street.


But within the walls of the brightly lit homes on my block are people who are locked down. Locked down, sheltered in place, quarantined, staying safe, flattening the curve, whatever you want to call it, they are not going about living life as usual. It is obviously the same almost everywhere around the world and maybe we can take solace in the fact that we are not the only ones suppressed by this.


“And how are you holding up?”

“Well. We are doing well thanks, considering. It is an inconvenience but we will get through it. Together, of course.”

“Well, be safe and stay well. Please tell everyone at home I said hey!”

Platitudes. The things that we have come to learn are appropriate to say in ever circumstance. We know what to say when someone gets a promotion. What to say when someone looses a loved one. We know what to say to encourage each other when we face an unusual and stressful time such as this.


Why be superficial and just keep up appearances? Why speak in empty platitudes? Would being real really be so bad? Would it really be so bad if we said how we feel?

















What if we showed ourselves as we are? Drop the facade. Allowed ourselves to be real.

Yell. Cry. Rest. Take five. Take a nap. Call a friend. Hug someone. Ask for help.

Yes, ask for help! How many times have you been willing to help someone? Friend or stranger, have you been ready to help out without a seconds thought? Many people in our world can be so caring and giving. Yet, so many people will not ask for help. They hold it in. They “man-up” or “push through” or “press on” or whatever ridiculous thing they tell themselves just so they don’t have to swallow their pride and be real.

Jesus told us to ask. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 Take note of the words Jesus used – Ask, Seek, Knock – “A” “S” “K”!

The Word of God tells us the we have not because we do not ask. James 4:2

We are also commanded many times to help each other.

Love our neighbors as ourselves. Carry each others burdens. Look after the widows and the sick. Just to name a few. Mathew 22:39, Galatians 6:2, 1 Tim 5:3

But the point I wish to make here today is to be real! Superficialities and platitudes help no-one. Be Real! Be You. Let someone in during these difficult times and let yourself be refreshed by their love and support. After all wouldn’t you be loving and supportive of them if they needed it?

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.        John 4:23-24 NIV

If this scripture isn’t calling for us to let down our superficial ways of approaching God (and each other) then I know nothing and should stop writing. Don’t be locked into platitudes in life and especially not in your prayer life. Be real and be transparent. Love and encourage everyone but also allow yourself to be loved, encouraged, lifted up or even carried if that’s what you need.

I’ll stop now. I’ve obviously gotten carried away with this thought for today. Just be encouraged today and if you need help ask. Ask God. Ask a loved one. But ask. Because pretending you are ok when you are not will not help.


Be Blessed A&B

What Is God’s Will For Me?

What is God’s will for me?

A question that many believers ask at some time. Along with;

Why am I here? What is my calling? What should I do with my life?

Life is full of so many choices. Crossroads appear at ever turn. Schools, activities, friends, choices, choices, choices. What if we make the wrong choice? Go to the wrong school? Pick the wrong career? Move to the wrong town? Marry the wrong person? Oh My!!!!! I can be overwhelming! But does following God’s will really need to be so difficult? Do the choices really matter?

Break it down

Looking into The Word of God we see that God tells us what He desires for and from us.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. What this tells us that God loves us and sent His Son (Jesus) to us so that by believing in Him we can have everlasting life.  This means it is God’s will that we believe in Jesus and have everlasting life.

Likewise, 1 Timothy chapter Two, tells us that living “a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior


“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”

So I believe it can be said that God’s will for everyone is to be saved and live a quiet and peaceful life.

Ok, but what about all the choices that we face? What is God’s will for those decisions? Does he care about those choices we make and if so can we make wrong choices? I would say both yes and no in that if salvation is God’s will for everyone, then as long as these other choices do not distract or conflict with that prime directive then His Grace is sufficient.

Some believe that there is one perfect almost predestined plan that God has for our lives and that we should seek that out earnestly. Prayerfully seeking God’s direction before making any important decision is always a good thing to do but being anxious about a decision or regretful about a past decision because one believes they are outside the will of God is defeating.  Certainly, God wishes us to do well, be happy, live long and use our gifts to glorify Him.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth  3 John:1-2

God saw that it was not good for man (Adam) to be alone. God made Eve as a companion for Adam and it is safe to say that He wishes that single people find someone to be a companion to. He cares about our happiness but cautions about being unequally yoked (paired with someone that is not of the same faith). Some say that this scripture verse relates to marriage and business/career relations but we are in the world even though we are not of the world and as such we should shine a light especially on unbelieving co-workers and the world in general.

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of your heart. Ps. 37:4

Prosperity, health and happiness and our eternal salvation of our souls are a concern to God and the reason He sent Jesus to make a way for us all but that’s not all.

He wants us to tell others the good news! The Gospel of Jesus is The Good News!! Death has been defeated and the grave is not the end. We will all pass from this life to the next but our final destination is not a fateful unknown. We can choose our destination and as previously pointed out – John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. What this tells us that God loves us and sent His Son (Jesus) to us so that by believing in Him we can have everlasting life.  This means it is God’s will that we believe in Jesus and have everlasting life.

But if we must believe in order to have everlasting life then how can anyone believe that does not hear? This is why Jesus commands us to go, and share the Gospel. Matthew 28:19

In summation

God’s will for your life doesn’t concern itself with where you live, what car you drive, what school you attended, what career you follow or any of the temporary superficial things we as a society worry and tweet about.

God’s will for your life (everyone’s life) is that you believe in Jesus and receive everlasting life as a result of that belief. Additionally, having received this gift of God, share the Love of God and the Good news of Jesus Christ to a world full of people who will live an eternity in agony if they don’t.

If you surrender to His will all those other things will fall into place or be revealed as useless vanity and be forgotten.

Be blessed A&B

Money Money Money $$$

Now that I have your attention!

       I read something today on a blog that got me thinking. It was a post, or rather an ad on a post, for a “Biblical system” to amass wealth and retire early. Hmmm…sounds interesting.

Money and religion have always made a controversial combination. Some equate poverty with Godliness referring to the humble birth and life of Jesus. Others use the commonly misquoted verse that money is the root of all evil as a way of accepting their lot in life while judging those more fortunate. In actuality the quote is found in 1Tim 6:10 – For the love of money is the root of all evil; and while some have coveted after it, they have erred from the faith. Yet it is true that Jesus overturned the table on the money changers in the temple it wasn’t just because of the money. But that’s a discussion for another time. Still others have taken the approach that wealth is our right as Children of the King and that God is just waiting to shower money down on us if we just exercise our faith and claim it. The pendulum swings too far both ways unfortunately and the truth is often found after it comes to rest.

Funny Money

There are many things said about money in both the old and the new testaments. Time does not allow me to list them all but I would like to share enough on the subject to kindle a fire in you to search the Word and find the truth for yourselves. God has no problem with a person being wealthy. From the beginning He gave great wealth graciously. To  Adam and Eve he gave dominion over the Garden and everything in it. To Noah He gave salvation from His judgement and the new world after the flood. To Abraham He gave the new land and the promise of children innumerable.

Moses records in Deuteronomy 8:18  “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Wait! What? Did I read that right? Yes, you did. God gives us the power to get wealth and He does to confirm that we are His!
To Solomon, God gave treasures untold ( the Bible records that Solomon was and is and always will be the richest man in the world – move over Bill Gates!) 2 Chron 1:11-12 Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life—but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.” But, did you see the reason why? yes, Solomon was given all that wealth because he didn’t ask for it. God saw that his heart was more concerned with the responsibility of governing Gads people rather then personal gain. So, clearly God has no problem with a person being wealthy. It the why and what of it that concerns Him. Why do you want wealth? What will you do with it when you get it. For that matter what do you do with the money you have now?

The Word of God expresses God’s hatred of unequal scales (unfair trading), excessive usury (excessive interest rates on loans), and the covetousness of being dissatisfied with what you have now while wanting more money, cars, and stuff like that guy over there! I could go on and on but will bring this to a close by reminding us of the woman with two mites. She gave to God all that she had and she drew Jesus’ attention more then those who gave a small portion of their great wealth. So, it’s not the MONEY that concerns God, after all, its all His anyway its just passing threw our hands today. More importantly it’s how we feel about it (Jesus said you can not serve two masters [both God and money] because you will love one and hate the other). It’s what we do to gain the wealth – lie, cheat, steal, rob God and our families of our time with them, etc. It’s what we do with it once we have it. Do we give back to the church so that the ministry can continue and expand? Do we give to the poor and widows? Do we save for our children? If we do not consider the thoughts and intent of our hearts concerning money we will only deceive ourselves into thinking that we are in control of our finances.

Did you know that the only time God actually tells us to test Him is in the area of Money and giving? Read it for yourself – Malachi 3:10  Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

Looks like a challenge to me. What’s the matter – you chicken?!?!?